Saturday, March 30, 2019

OBQ 1294: #Balance for better.

Its never too late to celebrate equality between men and women, here is one such person who is just not a pretty face, she is broadening scope of her work in both reel world and real world.

Connect and Explain.

Answer: Priyanka Chopra


  1. The dating app Bumble (leftmost logo) is backed by Priyanka Chopra - so maybe PC is the answer. No idea about link with the other 2 logos - they look very familiar, but can't recall

  2. Last one is logo of Miss World and PC was MW.

  3. Connect is Priyanka Chopra !!
    1) She has invested in Bumble and She is Brand ambassador too.
    2) Purple Pebbles is her Production Company.
    3) She was Miss World in 2000.
