Tuesday, April 29, 2014

OBQ 721: Not the right metaphor!

Brands need logos...but sometime brands make huge blunders while selecting one! Which company adopted this logo and then quickly relequinshed it?

Sunday, April 27, 2014

OBQ 720: The business of business writing...

Identify the author who has written some of the best non-fictional corporate stories of our time in a very gripping way.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

OBQ 719: The Nickelodeon story all over again....

When this two "Asian" company joined hands they did the same to online gaming industry that Nickelodeon did to TV industry in 20th century...tell me what these companies created and is now a best seller...

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

OBQ 718: Color, Color everywhere!

Dye colors, Pencil colors, Fabric colors...this company manufactures a lot of colors!! But thats not it...this company has legacy of more than 150 years and has its footprint over many industries and from its bleaky past its now one of the most "green" company in not so green industry! With clues below tell me which company it is, you are genius is you can tell me what its full name is and what it stands for!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

OBQ 717: Elementary...Mr.Chemist!!!

Thats what it is...sometime back this question would not have fit into a business quizzing blog...but now it has enough business like traits! connect this three disparate looking images...and try to somehow decipher the clue in title of the question and give me the answer! you have to truly be a Sherlock to answer this!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

OBQ 716: A big french collage...

This is not just a random collection of brand logos they are all linked with the same group...which business group? Any trivia that you can add on will be great!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

OBQ 715: The Dutch Whole World Company!

No this has nothing to do with Dutch East India Company!!! Identify logo of one of the most prominent Dutch Company...

Sunday, April 13, 2014

OBQ 714: Classic Chaplin...

Back in the days brand ambassador were more classy and so were the products they used to market! Connect the legendary Charlie Chaplin with equally legendary brand that he is promoting...

Friday, April 11, 2014

OBQ 713: The first citizen of fashion world.

The company started from this very premise and transformed itself into a giant of industry...the word "Goa" on the building should give you a huge hint!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

OBQ 712: Sometimes child is famous than parents...

Sometimes child is famous than parents...and that's definitely the case with this company...here is the logo of the parent company thats relatively less famous at least outside Europe...tell me which company is it? Parent or child? doesn't matter!!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

OBQ 711: The internet of things...truly!

Thats the buzzword nowadays isnt it? THE INTERNET OF THINGS..apart from the cool Samsung galaxy S5 this was one more "thing" launched during World Mobile Congress 2014! What is it and more importantly which brand?

Friday, April 4, 2014

OBQ 710: The future of options.

This company has legacy of driving some of the biggest financial innovations, and if you read the title little carefully its not that hard to crack!, tell me which group/company logo is represented here?

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

OBQ 709: The German Bakery...

In India we know Germany bakery for a different reason, however this german bakery will go in history just for the business reasons...where is this bakery and what started here?