Tuesday, June 4, 2019

OBQ 1326: French Ballboy.

Every sports/institution/company needs a few flag bearer who through their hardwork on stage and behind stage work to take it to the next level.

He did something similar with the game of Tennis, though he was never the top player globally his contribution to the sport is remembered very fondly to these days, especially during this time of year his very French name starts doing the rounds.

Who is he?

Answer: Philippe Chatrier after whom the centre court is named during the Roland Garros (French Open) tournament.


  1. Rolland Garros, the fighter pilot......after whom RG in Paris is named after

  2. sorry, wrong answer......need a delete option :(

  3. French Open uses Babolat balls - so maybe founder of Babolat

  4. You have still not found the right answer Arijit

  5. Philippe chatrier,
    former president of French tennis and international tennis federation
